Miniature Humans
Well now you've gone and done it. You've manufactured your own batch of tiny humans. Now they're eating, talking, thinking, playing, probably even planning to get jobs or conquer the world before too many decades pass.
The thing is, right now, while they're small, you have a chance not just to mold them into awesome little people, but to capture who they were along the way. This phase is fleeting, and if my own life is any indication, goes by FAST.
Time can't be stopped, but shavings of it can be captured and sheared off, so that a record can be made of where we've been. Of who we've been. Of all the pet frogs and lost teeth, the time you dressed up as Darth Vader and it freaked your sister out. We can make touchstones to keep those moments from your child's life perpetually alive, as if they're happening right now.
Today we're building tomorrow's nostalgia, but it's more than that. We're helping kids get comfortable with themselves. Seeing you invest in them and brag about their pictures isn't something they forget as they grow up. It means the world.
---They Move Quick---
Capture The Little Moments
How to Prepare for Your Photoshoot
No Matter What:
We don't tell kids to smile right.
We don't tell kids to perform for the camera.
We don't tell kids today is any different from any other day.
These things freak kids out and guarantee you won't get your natural smiley wack-o creative silly kid, on camera that day.
It's counter-intuitive because you know exactly what you want your kid to do, how you want them to perform, and today -is- different and special. You're probably feeling a little bit of pressure to make sure that it goes right.
What I'm here to tell you is, the way to make all of that happen is to leave it all to us. Like most things in life, they only go right when they happen naturally, and if my team and I are good at anything, it's making sure what you're looking for happens all on its own, by creating the right conditions to bring your kids out of their shells.
You bring them, clean and happy and well-rested, we'll take care of the rest.