Full Circle

Somebody's gettin' hitched! If you find yourself in a similar condition, you'll want pictures of all kinds of stuff. Engagement photos to announce it to the world of facebookistan, All that kissing stuff that happens on the big day, That shot of grandpa dancing with your four-year-old niece, that she's going to treasure when she's your age, And the look on your favorite person's face when they spot you at the other end of the aisle. After the wedding, maybe you want to take that dress out for a spin one last time and make the shots you were too afraid of grass-stains and scorch-marks to do before your first dance. That's what a trash-the-dress shoot is for. Take it into the waves at New England's prettiest beach. I won't complain. A couple years down the road when you're expecting, you're covered with maternity and newborn packages, New networking headshots can get you back into the job market after a few years off to raise a family, and the Narrative and Traditional family portrait lines can help you tell the story of the family you're making. And when it's time, your graduating high school seniors can have an avenue to show all their robot friends what their first hover-car was like in their own senior portraits. Stick with me kids. Your life stories are full of all kinds of epicness, and it deserves to be captured right.